Minggu, 25 Januari 2009

USBN, pro and contra

UASBN is an exam for the final graders in each level started from 6th graders in primary school, 9th graders in middle school, and 12th graders in high school. Today, people are still talking about the wisdom of UASBN. As we know there are always pro and contra in everything we can meet in our daily life.

The goal of UASBN is to control and protect the national human quality. So, the standard of the graduation is already controlled by scores that required by the government. Through this system, there are many problems that discussed by many people, including Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) or Indonesia Children Protection Committee that was making a seminary which titled ”Membedah Kebijakan UASBN 2008”, which means “ Reveal the Wisdom of UASBN 2008”.

According to the guest speakers which are from the KPAI, UASBN is resulting many contra values, which I am going to explain by each point;

This is distracting “the study min. 9 years program”, because it can become the hitch to the student in the start. This point supported by a survey that had done in DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Bali and Maluku that resulted about 98 % students feel worry with UASBN, and they admitted won’t go back and stay at school again.

This is also can create discrimination in children, such as students that not pass the exam would said stupid, or if they pass they would asked and labeled by their results.

UASBN also makes children to becoming Math, Science, and Bahasa Indonesia as the most important. Children should be free as their creativity to develop as they want. This point mark UASBN can kill the right of children to be creative.

UASBN also can create new generation that is not creative, because they only scored by numbers. They can lose their creativity and change their back mind that is the intellectual of people is only scored by their work’s score. As we can see there are many people who good at art and able to create a beautiful art or they can play music well but have no talent in math, science, or bahasa Indonesia.

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