Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

education in Indonesia

What the nation thinks about the education?

To the nation, education is to develop the people quality. The education system has purpose to bear a patriotic spirit and nation spirit, strengthen the feeling of love to the national land, and create the looking-forward perspective. The education system’s definition itself has written in Constitution to get the base value of Pancasila.

In the Constitution law No. 2 of 1989 said “the system aims at generating abilities and increasing the standard of living and dignity of the Indonesian people in order to achieve the national development objectives”. According to my opinion to the law, education is something that actually our right to get happiness and improve our dignity that is also use to achieve the national development goal.

Education system in Indonesia

Based on the law there are four terms which are become the base education system in Indonesia noted, which are the units, the paths, the types, and the levels.

The units of education

Both of the education’s paths in Indonesia –check the next explanation about the paths in Indonesia- organized by the units of education which is to start plans respectively inside and outside school through learning and teaching process.

The paths of education

There are two paths of education in Indonesia; formal and non-formal education. The formal education, or inside school education has learning and teaching activities usually inside school, gradual, have many levels from the lowest until the highest, and also continuous.

On the other hand, non-formal education or out-of-school education has learning and teaching activities that may not have gradual, have many levels from the lowest until the highest, and also continuous system.

The types of education

There are seven types of education in Indonesia, which are;

1.General education, which priorities to provide the general knowledge and improve skills of student.
2.Vocational education, which connected with the special skills and knowledge. The school teaches skills that are necessary for particular job.
3.Special education, which for special needs student.
4.Service-related education, which has purpose to increase ability in a certain task that may be required for government or other private sector.
5.Religious education, which is to improve student’s knowledge about religion or other related things.
6.Academic-oriented education, which focuses to Master of Science.
7.Professional education, which prepares to master special subjects.

The levels of education

1.Firstly, the pre-school currently is added. It is important as the stimulation process for both mental and physical growth of children before they enter primary school. There are three types of pre-school education: kindergarten as the formal education, play groups and day-care as the non-formal education.

2.Basic Education is a general education of nine years, which are divided into 6 years at primary school and three years at middle school. The Islamic primary school also exist and called as Madrasah Ibtidayah and Madrasah Tsanawiyah for the Islamic middle school program. The goals of basic education, are:
Develop students in the society and also in personal (individual)
Prepare them to enter secondary.

3.Secondary school or Madrasah Aliyah in Islamic school version has provided as general secondary school, vocational secondary school, religious secondary school, service related secondary school, and special secondary school. The purpose of secondary school is to prepare students for the higher education and expand their professional attitude while they are almost entering the world of work.

4.Higher Education divided into two types, which are academic and professional education. Academic education is usually consisted at mastering science, technology, and research, while professional education is more consisted at developing practical skills. Institutions involved in higher education are usually academics, polytechnics, school of higher learning, institutes, and universities. To get diploma program you should attend the school as 3 years and four years for graduate program. After graduate program you can continue to master program for two years and finally to be a doctoral program in three years.

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