Kamis, 22 Januari 2009

The Important of Education

Education is very important for our life. It trains our mind to think, make difference between the right and wrong, and take the right decision. Through the education, the information and knowledge can spread around the world. Education makes our life become easier and comfortable. In these days, the background or the quality of people mostly seen by their education. In fact, we can see a person who is not well educated; mostly he or she would be more sacrifice on their life.

Education is very influencing the image of people. In social life, it is also influencing the image of the country. In fact, rich and grown-well countries around the world have very high productive human resource. Like the United State of America that is keeping the importance of education by aiming to promote the student’s achievement and preparation for the global challenges by give equal access. As we can see, the education is very important because it impacts economic growth.

The lack of education is the base and as the most cause of poverty that happens in every countries. In Indonesia, most of the people sacrifice from their life, stuck in poverty because they neglect the importance of education. Education cans changes people’s life. As the basic thing we can see in our daily life, the man or woman who has lack of education can be called, he or she has shut off from this world. For instance, there are two men who give their Curriculum Vitae in a company to get a job. As we know, in every CV there must be exist about the education of the person. The man A has a title as MBA, and the man B has no title. In big probability, the man A can get that job than the man B.

In Indonesia, the lack of education is everywhere. So it impacts the country’s progress, because education it possible for people to be responsible. The Department of Education of Indonesia or Depdiknas already makes plans to improve the education in Indonesia, such as scholarship program, free school, etc. But it seems not very successful and there are still many of education lacks. So, the Depdiknas still in progress to make education access for all.

According to me, education is one of the human rights that are if we do not take it we are losing our meaning of life. The reason is in nowadays education is really influencing the image of a person.

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